
Have a barktastic story to share? BarkThink news to report? Please use the contact form below to get in touch with John Lieu and the BarkThink pack!

Market your brand and pet products

Do you wish to promote your outstanding pet products, advertise on your favorite dog website (BarkThink), sponsor an exciting giveaway, or have some of the BarkThink team try out some of your new products? Contact us today for more information and the opportunities available to help increase visibility of your company and products!

Publish your articles and stories

Got some tail-wagging worthy content you would like to share? As long as it meets the requirements listed on our Submit An Article form, send it in for consideration! In short, we prefer content that is original (not copied or duplicate), contains minimum commercial website links, and are not part of any marketing campaign efforts. If you are a company looking to have your company highlighted on BarkThink, please contact us personally for more details. Thank you!

Contact BarkThink

You can also reach out on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, or